It has been a long time

 It’s been a long time since, I been on my blog. 

A lot has been happening online and my life. I been working to pay bills, you know living the reality world.  Don’t get me wrong 😑, I love my reality world. I have many friends around me, I have different life style/ then most of the people I see everyday. 

I haven’t met any local people yet that does these Signature Tags, in ways it is cool at the same-time it’s too bad.  It took me a bit to get to know how to do things with Elements /objects themes, Color themes, Font themes, Mask themes, and so more. 

I have notice some things been added to Our Forum Groups. Also, another thing is for all the people out there loves making tags. Ai is the new thing now, well it’s more out there now. I am ok with it, but I am not.  I do agree in somewhat about Ai taking away artists who does this a living drawling using tool, time labor and so on. But then it may help Art businesses to just advanced to it, might make a difference for both pros/cons reason to use it.

  I don’t know, I think people who make’s these scrap kits are beautiful, both ways. Sometimes I can’t tell the difference from Ai and human. I tried to some scrap kits they were very hard. I haven’t been in the mood to do some advance Scrapkits yet . Right, now I have couple of projects at home that needs my time and focus .  

Here are some painting I been doing at home.  Forgetting my bloggers is a sin, it would if I had any. 😝 

Partial Frog DP 

This one was my first one , partial Diamond 💎 s . I made this for LuKas my son and okay, made it a hobby. 


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