My Title Of Tuts

 Jen's Tutorials
©Jen Hill 

Please have respect for other people's property, The key is if you don't like people stealing or touching without your permission, then you need to think before you do it to others. 

These Tutorials are for you as a guide to help you, not to take or say it is your own. I don't mind making Tutorials if it helps you learn. These Tutorials I write or not other ideas, there are mine and mine only. If you have a problem with my Tutorials, that is your opinion and its not my business. However, if I do see my tutorials, on websites, forums, or anything that I have not to give you permission, there will be consequences to your actions on how I will pursue this situation.

If you like to use my Tutorials for helping you or other people who would like to use them, you can either give them the link to my blog or just ask if you can have permission to post it on your Forum, Blog, Website. 

Titles Of My Tutorials 

1. Jar Lamp Shade Tutorial
2. Morning Drug Tutorial
3. Pretty Blossom
4. Sandy Beach
5. Someone Special
6. Summer Moment
7. Violet Fairy
8.Wild Thinker

I will be posting each one of these Tutorials Soon. 


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