I have written this tutorial for you as a guideline. You can do the way you want to fit your needs. However, remember this tutorial is my work.  My tutorials I write are my own dreams and nobody else’s which is entirely simultaneous.

Supplies I used
I used Scorching Tube by Keith Garvey. You can purchase  here.
 (If you don’t have license # they can help you get one).

I used Miz Coffee Time by MizTeeque and you can get it here. Make sure to read her Terms of Use please. 
(Thank you for sharing your FTU Kits)

Here We Go
Open your Graphic Software and Lets start.

Open New Image 700x700 and keep the background transparent.

Open Kit, find element Frame3 and copy & paste it new layer, then hide it.

Duplicate element Frame3 and resize it to 70% and do that 2 more times or you like. Then you need 5 copies of frame3 and put them around the big frame 3. Look at my tag to see what I mean.

Open kit, find Paper7, Click on each of the duplicate frames and use your magic wand and expand it 4 pixel and copy paper and paste in selection. Make sure Paper layer is below the frame. You keep doing this until all 5 duplicate frames are filled with the paper.

Open Kit, Find Paper 12, Click on the big frame and use magic wand expand it 4 pixel and copy paper and paste into selection. Make sure paper layer is below the big frame.

 Open Kit, find Element14, Click every other Frame and copy and paste into selection. You might have to do the frames one at a time. Make sure the elements are below the frame.

Open kit, Find element2, Click every other Frame and copy and paste into selection. You might have to do the frames one at a time. Make sure the elements are below the frame.

After you have all the elements in each duplicate frame, you need to merge them. What I did is, click on the frame and merge down 2 times until the element and paper are together with the frame. You need to do that with all the other duplicate frames. Keep the big frame the way it is right now.

Open Kit, find Element 18, Copy and paste element and put layer under the big frame and paper. So it is the last layer on the bottom. You should have 4 element18, two horizontal and two vertical.  Let the element show on top and bottom. Look at my tag to see what I mean.

Open Kit, Find Element 25, and new layer. I put the element on the bottom left. Resize them 70% or your liking.

Open Kit, Find Element 15, and new layer. I put the element on the bottom left laying on Element25. Resize it 70% or your liking.

Open Kit, Find Element 6 and 7 and resize it to 70% or your liking. Place them behind Element 25 and 16.

Open Kit, Find element 9, and new layer. I put it on the bottom right. Resize it to 70% or your liking.
Duplicate your big frame, Open up your close up tube, place underneath the first big frame. Click on the big frame that is above your tube, and erase the top of the frame so, your tube looks like it’s outside of the big frame. Resize my tube 90% twice.

Make sure you have all copyright Info and whatever name you want on it. Save and Merge!!

©  Jen Hill  - All Rights Reserved.


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